Konverents „Ühistegevuse rahvusvahelised kogemused ja edulood“

Eesti Maaülikool ja Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoda kutsuvad osalema ühistegevuse konverentsil „Ühistegevuse rahvusvahelised kogemused ja edulood“.

Konverents toimub 17. novembril 2017 Tartus, Eesti Maaülikooli aulas (Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1A, Tartu 51014).

Konverentsil osalemiseks on kindlasti vajalik eelregistreerimine kuni 13. novembrini, mille vormi leiab siit.


09:00 Registreerimine ja tervituskohv

09:30 Avasõnad – prof. Rando Värnik (Eesti Maaülikool) ja Vahur Tõnissoo (Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoda)

09:40 Tervitus – Mait Klaassen (Eesti Maaülikooli rektor)

09:45 Tervituskõne – Illar Lemetti (Maaeluministeeriumi kantsler)

10:00 Dr Constantine Iliopoulos – „Põllumajandusühistute koostöömudelid tulevikus“ (Ateena Põllumajandusülikool ja Põllumajandusökonoomika Uurimisinstituut, Kreeka)

10:45 Prof. Maryline Filippi – „Organisatsiooni ülesehitus, ühistu põhimõtted ja rahvusvaheline konkurents, õppetund Prantsusmaalt“ (Bordeaux Ülikool, põllumajandusökonoomika, Prantsusmaa)

11:30 Lõuna

12:20 Thomas Magnusson – „Ühistute roll toiduainete tarneahelas: Rootsi ja Euroopa vaade“ (Cogeca president ja Põllumajandusühistu Lantmännen, Rootsi)

13:05 Guido Seedler – „Ühistegevuse kogemused ja väljakutsed Saksamaal“ (Deutscher Reiffeisenverband, Saksamaa)

13:50 Kohvipaus

14:10 Arutelu (Dr Constantine Iliopoulos, prof. Maryline Filippi, Thomas Magnusson, Guido Seedler –  moderaator: prof. Rando Värnik)

15:10 Jaak Läänemets – „Ühistegevus teraviljasektoris“ (Põllumeeste Ühistu Kevili)

15:30 Tõnu Post – „Ühistegevus piimandussektoris“ (Saaremaa Piimaühistu)

15:50 Arutelu (Jaak Läänemets, Tõnu Post, Vahur Tõnissoo – moderaator: prof. Rando Värnik)

16:30 Lõppsõna – prof. Rando Värnik

Lisainformatsioon ja küsimused:Liis Võlli, liis.volli@emu.ee või tel 51 92 9840


Dr Constantine Iliopoulos is an action researcher who co-creates innovations in cooperation and leadership that he delivers through classes and programs at universities in Europe, USA, and Oceania, and through experiential training, group coaching, and innovation projects within organizations in business, government and civil society around the world.

Maryline Filippi is full Professor of Economics, at Bordeaux Sciences Agro – University of Bordeaux, and Associate Researcher at INRA, UMR SAD-APT, AgroParisTech. She is nominated by the French Agricultural Minister to be member of Haut Council of Agricultural Cooperatives (HCCA). Its main research is dedicated to cooperative governance, organisational changes, innovation and sustainable development. She stresses how cooperatives have become groups in order to be more competitive while ensuring their social goals. She has published various scientific articles and studies as specialist of French Agricultural Cooperatives. She has managed two Inra research teams devoted to agricultural co-cooperatives. She occupies various positions as researcher (General Secretary of the French Society of Rural Economics – SFER) as well as expert (Scientific Council of Research Development Projects of Coop de France).

Thomas Magnusson is the president of Cogeca. He farms a mixed dairy farm with forestry outside the city of Växjö in south-central Sweden together with his son. Mr Magnusson is also senior advisor for Cooperative Development, Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) and board member of the Lantmännen group since 2005. Previously Mr Magnusson was first vice president of the Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF).

Guido Seedler worked for the German Farmer’s Federation (DBV) and the regional farmers’ association of Lower Saxony after graduation. Since 2009 he is working for the German Raiffeisen Federation (DRV) in Berlin. The DRV, as apex federation of about 2,200 rural co-operatives, promotes and represents the professional and special economic members’ interests. Since 2011 Mr Seedler, as market expert for grain and oilseed, is the main contact for these companies regarding all issues relating the national, European and worldwide market for grain and rape. He is also responsible for the annual forecast of Germany’s grain and rape harvest, which is published between March and August. Mr. Seedler is a member of the COPA-COGECA working parties for cereals and oilseeds since 2011.


Konverentsi korraldamist toetab Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfond. Konverents on tasuta kõigile ühistegevuse huvilistele.







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