BalticBiomass4Value Newsletter

Welcome to the third BalticBiomass4Value Project Newsletter. BalticBiomass4Value is a project implemented under the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and Norwegian national funding. This newsletter presents the project’s activities and achievements, as well as bioeconomy-related events. Additionally, every newsletter introduces three of the 17 project partners.

Please find the Newsletter here

Eelmine lugu26.10.2021 – EPKK infopäev „Ohustatud tõud ja loomageneetiliste ressursside säilitamine – eesti maatõugu veis“
Järgmine lugu27.10.2021 – EPKK infopäev „Sööda ohutus läbi ennetava tegevuse“