Representation in Brussels

Since 2001, the Estonian agricultural producers has had representation in Brussels. ECAC is since 2004 a full member of Europe’s largest agricultural representative organization – the Committee of Professional Agricultural Organizations (COPA) and the General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union (COGECA).

Representations function is to ensure effective exchange of information with European Union agencies and organizations based in Brussels. The ECAC’s representative is charged with making sure that EU information reaches Estonian farmers and rural entrepreneurs and that their needs and demands make it into EU legislation.

The European organization of farmers and cooperatives currently has 70 member organizations from all of the EU member states and associated members. The function of Estonian agricultural producer representation in Brussels is to act as a liaison between Estonia and other EU member states.

Ms. Ene Kärner
Rue de Treves 61, 1040 Brussels
mob +324 9490 0173